Welcome to The Plant Shop 24! We are very small, very new business and we are women owned and operated take a look around and maybe buy a plant.
I have always known that I wanted to run my own work, no matter where that might have ended me. As of right now that has landed me here with The Plant Shop 24, I am so excited about this chapter. I look forward to doing pop- up shops at various fairs and venues, as well as seeing everyone at my local farmers market each weekend. I started this plant business as a way to not only create new connections with my community and other communities but also as a way to get back to something simply yet challenging, I want to be the company and person you think of when you decide you need to add to your plant collection, need advice, or just need that safe place to come and have a therapeutic shopping experience. All of our curated inventory is hand picked, painted, and crafted by yours truly, Miss Anna Foust the Owner of the company. As I grow through this exciting time I am also vlogging it. Feel free to catch up with the latest plant shop updates on our social media pages found below! Thank you for your time and thank you for supporting my small business!
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